The Apocalypse
This is a sample chapter from Chapter 3
Signs of the Times
Daniel 8:23 states that the Tribulation begins when “the transgressors have reached their fullness.” Meaning society cannot get any more wicked. People degenerate to such a great degree that God inflicts his wrath and ushers in a new world ruled by Christ. 2 Timothy 3:1-6 warns that the times will be perilous due to society’s sin.
What makes the Revelation prophecy so terrifying more than any time in history is that in Bible prophecy nearly all the signs are now in place.
Those of us in the Bible prophecy watching arena, our heads our spinning because we can’t keep up with the headlines we are reporting.
It is my job, and the purpose of this book to help you understand the Revelation prophecy and the world events that line with it. It is my intent to show you the signs that are now in place and how close we are to the end of the world. The first place that we are seeing signs fulfilled is within society itself. Today the acts committed by persons one toward another are unbelievably violent and unthinkable.
We also read more and more stories of sexual deviance. In one account a mother of a small child was having sex with a 15 year old boy with her young child walking into the room and witnessing the act. There are numerous accounts of men raping babies, and mothers who turn the babies over to these men, In addition women who make their children engage in child pornography. Gang rapes now include mutilation. It isn’t enough to just rape, but now the rapists impale and mutilate the victim by inserting sticks, rods or broken bottles, which the Syrian captures placed into the rectums of male prisoners.
These incidents will continue to increase as the world becomes the civilization God said He would have to judge. Joel 3:3 declares: “They have cast lots for My people; Have given a boy in exchange for a harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they may drink.” During the Tribulation, soldiers sell children for sexual purposes, for as little as a bottle of wine. Men will use boys as prostitutes. These acts mirror crimes committed against children today. We have arrived at the end times that Christ foretold in the Gospels. Violence and sexual perversion mark this decade. Our society is laden with social maladies, and thus has become a replica of Noah’s and Lot’s.
Reports of horrific crimes committed both by children and against them fill our airwaves. In part, the breakdown of the family—evidenced by the rising divorce rate—is to blame for the unruly children who shoot up their schools, and kill their parents and peers. Our homes are in upheaval; people cannot manage to live or work together.
Not only must we be aware of the criminals who rob us on the street or invade our homes, but we must also be conscious of the many scams perpetrated by wealthy corporate leaders who rob their employees and investors. It is as if every person is out for themselves. On my radio show on blogtalkradio one of the segments on my show Prophecy Talk is my 2 Timothy report. The stories I report on are so violent and sexually deviant that I had to give my show a mature rating:
The story of the cannibal cop who fed himself on pornography that showed women being tortured and burned alive and then eaten.
The account of the two firefighters who held a young teenage boy as a sex slave.
The crime committed by the John Hopkins gynecologist who wore a video pen taking pictures of his patients.
The accounts of young mothers who discard their newborns on the side of the road, and of the twins who were thrown in a laundry basket.
The fathers who slit the throats of his daughters, or the men who brutally murder their young sons.
The brutal gang rapes and mutilations in India and one that included a five-year-old girl who was found with a bottle inside of her.
The story of the donkey that was raped to death by four men.
The man who ate his 95 year old grandmother.
The young 20 year old male who attempted to rape his grandmother because he could not get a girlfriend.
The pedophiles found with both inappropriate photos of children and animals.
The brutal killings of young school children by Newtown Killer, who shot to them to death while they sat in their classrooms.
The Boston bombers who set off bombs at the Boston Marathon and killed and maimed innocent men, women and children.
One mother had two sons who both lost a leg. People are dealing with situations that are so difficult they become bitter and angry at God. They do not understand how a loving God can allow their suffering. This is a fallen world governed by Satan, where man has free will. It is man’s choices that cause the pain most of us suffer. In the Revelation God promises to those who love Him a future pain free existence.
The carnal man or woman lives for things of this world while the spiritual person lives for the next, knowing that there is nothing this planet has to offer that promises any real fulfillment.
In 2 Timothy 3:1-4, the Bible summarizes the evil state of man in the last days:
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.
Jesus provided several signs, which include, wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, false prophets, and lawlessness. All nations will have heard the Gospel. Christ exhorted believers to “watch” for the signs of the times (Mark 13:37). Jesus compared the events leading to His second coming to the labor pains of childbirth (Matt. 24:8, Mark 13:8). These occur closer together, increasing in severity, until the moment of birth.
Events on the global scene, and the escalating rates of violence and natural disasters, happen today at an ever-quickening pace. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes break records in their frequency, and strike localities once untouched by the forces of nature.
The term tsunami came into our vocabularies after one struck in 2004. According to National Geographic News, the tsunami that roared through the Indian Ocean in 2004 became the deadliest tsunami in history. The US Geological Survey estimated that it released the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs.
After the Haiti earthquake in 2010, Time Magazine recorded the “Top 10 Deadliest Earthquakes” in history and three of them occurred within the recent six years; the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, the earthquake that struck Kashmir Pakistan in 2005 and the quake in Sichuan Province in China in 2008. The 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons were so devastating they made it into Wikipedia’s “Timeline of US History.” Hurricane Katrina became the costliest hurricane of all time.” Since 2010, earthquakes and natural disasters have picked up even greater speed and broken more records. In addition, we are also seeing a record number of sinkholes, and one man was swallowed by one and never found. We also experienced the Oklahoma tornado in 2013 that was the largest in US history.
The number of plagues’ and pestilence, infiltrations of giant bugs and locusts is also rising. We are seeing bugs that we never heard of that are now creeping into our world and proliferating.
The shock waves that rippled through the political events of the late 1980’s and weather patterns of recent decades, hit the global financial markets in 2007. The financial crash occurred in 2008 after the recession began. The same unpredictable patterns felt in the weather now hit the financial markets, first striking the US and then rippling through the world. High level financial managers sat baffled as predictable strategies became unreliable as markets reacted by going in unforeseen directions they had never before moved in history. So great was its impact that the major newspapers reported that the world economy came to a literal stop. The world financial markets still have not recovered.
False Prophets
Jesus tells us that during the Tribulation, fake Christs and prophets perform signs and wonders so great that, if it were possible, they will deceive the very elect (Matthew 24:24). Signs and wonders will be characteristic of the Tribulation period as evidenced by the miracles written about in the Revelation performed by the False Prophet and the two witnesses.
As a sign of what is to come is the story of 54-year-old Pastor Jack Schaap, He is Jack Hyle’s son-in-law and he became pastor of his mega church in Hammond Indiana. He was arrested and sent to prison for carrying on an affair with a 16-year-old girl. He told her that their affair was of Jesus, and he was teaching her the way of righteousness. He deceived an entire congregation of born-again believers.
The day Pope Francis was elected a barefoot man dressed in sackcloth was at the Vatican praying. A born-again fella made a video of him speaking to this gent in sackcloth, and he was mesmerized by his action.
At first upon listening to the man in sackcloth speak one would believe he followed Jesus, but the more he spoke you could hear that he was not a believer at all. A born-again Christian and his friend were following this man based on his being dressed in sackcloth, barefoot and praying at the Vatican. According to Jesus, we will see false Christs as the end approaches and when you observe how Jack Schaap, deceived the elect you know exactly what Jesus is talking about. Only they will appear with the greater deception of signs and wonders.
We are, no doubt in the end times described by Jesus. There is so much I have not covered in this Chapter that confirms we are, in fact, in the last days. I can write a book on the signs alone. While the events on the social and weather scene point to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, in the international arena, they have also traveled the same distance.
We will next look at what the Bible tells us what we can expect during the Tribulation period as relayed by the Revelation prophecy.
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